Q: When was the Samoyed Club of Iowa Founded?
A: The Samoyed Club of Iowa met for the
first time in September of 2006. We
received preliminary club status from the AKC in
May of 2008 and were later fully
approved by the AKC as licensed
specialty club.
Q: What is the purpose of the Samoyed Club of Iowa?
A: The Samoyed Club of Iowa is meant as
a way for Samoyed owners and to meet and
discuss the joys (and trials) of owning
and caring for a Samoyed.
Additionally, we aid in teaching people
about proper pet ownership (focusing on
the Samoyed) including health and
grooming. As the Samoyed is a working
breed with several traditional roles, we
also cover how you can train your dog in
areas like sled pulling, trail hiking,
therapy work, and all areas that the
Samoyed has contributed in. We also want
to be a source for people interested in
getting a Samoyed so that they can
find one that is well bred within a code
of ethics and make the most informed
decision that they can.
Q: What are some of the
Club’s Activities? A: Pack hikes, annual picnic,
health clinics, annual Christmas party, responsible dog ownership day, dining
out, various fundraisers & demonstrations, and “Meet the Breed” events. We have
also held very informative seminars on traditional Samoyed working activities
such as sled pulling, pack hiking, grooming, skijoring, etc…
Q: When and where does the Samoyed Club of Iowa meet?
A: Meetings are held once a month as
scheduled in advance. Meeting are
typically Saturday afternoons. Several
meetings a year are scheduled at AKC
sanctioned dog shows in central
locations (around the Des Moines area)
where many members will be already.
Otherwise, meetings are typically held
at the Seelah Training Facilities west
of Adel South of Highway 6 and North of
Interstate 80 on R Ave/Van Meter Road
nearer Highway 6. We do try to have some
meetings in other locations since our
members are spread out across the state
so check the Events area for dates
Q: Do I have to show samoyeds to join?
A: Of course not. Many of our members don’t show Samoyeds, but are owners
looking to take the best possible care of their pets and promote ownership of
purebred Samoyeds from reputable breeders. If you become interested in showing
Samoyeds either in Confirmation (think beauty pageant without the talent
competition) or obedience our members will help you get started. Mostly we’re
concerned only with having happy and healthy dogs.
Q: How do I join the Samoyed Club of Iowa?
A: Joining requires sponsorship by 2 current members and submission of
membership application. After the application has been submitted a yes or no
vote will be taken at the next meeting. The membership application may be downloaded
Join the
Joining requires sponsorship by 2 current members and submission of a membership application. After the application has been submitted a yes or no vote will be taken at the next meeting.
To download a copy of our membership application, please
click here.